Sep 7, 2018 | Blog, For Parents, Jamboree Logistics
WoJam 3 Now Available Yep, we’re excited too. The third edition of our US Contingent Newsletter, WoJam Unlocked, is now available. It is hard to believe, but the Jamboree is now less than a year away which means it’s time to start getting ready to...
Jul 16, 2018 | Blog, For Parents, Jamboree Logistics
One Year to Go! The opening ceremony of 24th World Scout Jamboree will take place in 370 days from today. That’s only (roughly) 8,880 hours left until the Jamboree begins! It’s going to be a busy year of Jamboree preparation. To kick it off, we’ve created an outline...
Jun 17, 2018 | Blog, For Parents, Jamboree Experience
What I Am Thankful for this Father’s Day A daughter’s reflection on Scouting, going to the WSJ, and her Dad Shannon Mulligan has, like many of us, had a lot of scouting adventures. Again, like many scouts, she’s had the chance to share those...
Jun 8, 2018 | Blog, For Parents, Jamboree Experience
Walking Around the Jamboree – A Program Outline This article was originally published in the June 2018 edition of WoJam Unlocked. Read the whole newsletter here. Where does one begin to explain the massive program at the next World Scout Jamboree? If a circus...
Apr 16, 2018 | Blog, For Parents, Jamboree Experience
Young Women at the World Scout Jamboree Hannah Wheaton, US Contingent Promotions Coördinator, has plenty of experience Scouting as a girl. Today she shares with us some of her thoughts on girls in Scouting and at the World Jamboree. So, what does it mean to you when...
Apr 2, 2018 | Blog, For Parents, Jamboree Logistics
Budget Now for the World Jamboree The ninth point of the Scout Law? A Scout is Thrifty! The World Jamboree can be a significant expense but that shouldn’t stop anyone from attending. Here are some awesome ways to raise funds and make the Jamboree more...