
Jamboree Origin Story, Part I

Jamboree Origin Story, Part I

Jamboree Origin Story, Part I August 1 is the anniversary of Baden-Powell's famous Brownsea Island camp and is celebrated the world round as World Scout Scarf Day, a celebration of Scouting everywhere. To celebrate World Scout Scarf Day, we are starting a World...

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One Year to Go!

One Year to Go!

One Year to Go! The opening ceremony of 24th World Scout Jamboree will take place in 370 days from today. That’s only (roughly) 8,880 hours left until the Jamboree begins! It’s going to be a busy year of Jamboree preparation. To kick it off, we’ve created an outline...

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Parent to Parent

Parent to Parent

  Parent to Parent: 10 Reasons You Should Send Your Teen to the World Jamboree As a parent, the decision to send your teen to World Scout Jamboree may require careful consideration. Practical issues, such as finances, can make you rethink whether World Scout...

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Longer Table

Longer Table

Longer Table The World Scout Jamboree is huge. 50,000 scouts, 5 camps, and 160+ countries huge. Yet the magic of the Jamboree isn't just in its grandeur. It's also in its small, unexpected, human moments. Mark Beese, Scoutmaster of Troop 70302 at the 23rd World Scout...

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The Magic of the Summit

The Magic of the Summit

The Magic of the Summit With the close of the Olympics in PyeongChang today, we wanted to look at another important similarity between the games and the Jamboree. These events wouldn’t be the same without the constantly changing venue and the unique challenges and...

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A “Community of Scouts”

A “Community of Scouts”

A "Community of Scouts" Peanut butter and jelly, snow and snowmen, World Jamboree and friendships; some things are made for each other. As we looked at in our last post, the World Jamboree, like the Olympics, brings people together. As such, there is no place like the...

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